Enjoy my Blog filled with insights about fall prevention, aging gracefully, and preventing chronic pain!
Aging: A New Perspective
Discover a transformative perspective on aging challenging the common misconceptions about the aging process.
Stop Ignoring Your Feet
Did you know your foot health is directly tied to your overall well-being?
All About Falls
All about the experience that lit a fire in me to educate others on the subject of falling.
Intentions vs. Resolutions
Setting positive intentions will take you much further than creating finite resolutions if the change you want to make is one you want to last.
How to build your resilience
Can someone change their perspective to become more resilient? And how might you go about doing that?
Emerging from the pandemic
While "getting back to normal" was something we all thought about, I doubt that we gave much thought to how we would adapt to that change.
Pain…a call to action!
Pain has a real and effective purpose and that is to alert you that something in your body is out of balance. In the absence of injury, it is a call to action and an invitation to learn how your body works.
Back Pain: What, Why, and What to do about it?
Back pain affects many people, especially during this pandemic; let's dive into the what, why, and what to do about your pain.
Hello My Name is Pain
A book with a simple approach to changing the face of pain management in America, using non-medication methods, combatting the current opioid epidemic.
Changing the Face of Pain Management
It’s time to view chronic pain with a different model.
What is missing in the world of treatment for chronic pain?
Allies for Change was created to fill the gaps that are in our current pain management treatment models.
What puts the chronic in chronic pain?
One must analyze how the patient's body is working as a whole entity and not focus solely on the area the pain is coming from.
10 Ways to Calm Yourself and Boost Your Immune System
I would like to offer you the following self-care suggestions that will help you calm yourself, strengthen your cells and boost your immune system.
Support for Your Self-care: Eat for Healing
After practicing eating for healing strategies, my clients often report decreases in pain, anxiety, and sugar cravings, along with increases in their sense of well-being and energy levels.
Move Your Body and Nourish Your Soul
I am not here to specify which exercises to do; instead, I want to offer some support on how to get motivated to move your body.
Build Resilience by Eating “Spiritual Foods”
I am not talking about religion here; I am talking about each individual's ability to reach for something greater and outside themselves for strength, patience, and resilience.